Mix Up Some Trending Cocktails

Five different cocktails in a line with a shaker and other bartending materials

We all know the favorites, the Cosmopolitans, martinis and old fashioneds, but there are some new players on the scene when it comes to trending adult beverages. From savory to spirit-free, consumers are looking to bars and restaurants to introduce them to these new cocktail options.

Save the sweets for dessert; savory cocktails are on the rise this year.1 The classic dirty martini is seeing a resurgence, along with some more “out there” variations, like the pickled tomato martini. Customers also like to walk the sweet and savory line with margarita options like a spicy mint avocado margarita. 

The popularity of Low-ABV and alcohol-free cocktails (a.k.a. mocktails) has increased over the past few years, and they’re not going anywhere soon. These are perfect for customers who want to enjoy a flavorful drink without the effects of alcohol. According to Pinterest Predictions, searches for “fancy non-alcoholic drinks” are up +220% in early 2024, and “Mocktail Bar” is up +75%. So skip the alcohol and mix up some mocktails for your menu.2 

But if your consumers don’t want to go booze-free and liquor is not what they’re feeling, THC and CBD beverages are also gaining lots of traction. With restrictions lifting across states, more and more companies are releasing their versions of THC or CBD sodas. If these are allowed in your operation, try dressing these pre-made beverages up with fun garnishes or put them in some elegant glassware. 

1 IFT Outlook 2024: Flavor Trends 2024
2 Spoon University Food Trends 2023

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