A Profitable Trend: Beef Back Ribs

Beef back ribs on a tray

Recently, many restaurants are starting to showcase beef back ribs on their menus, and customers are definitely responding. According to the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, rib volume in the food service industry was up 23 million pounds to a total of 116 million in 2017[2].Beef back ribs’ popularity is also due to its rich flavour and versatility. Chef Bradley Borchardt, Sterling Silver Signature Chef, agrees—“one of my all-time favourite cuts is beef ribs. They can be so succulent and dramatic.”

Ribs can be enhanced with rubs or marinades to intensify their flavour. Amp up the umami with a mushroom rub, use a trendy ingredient like black garlic or experiment with the deep flavours of coffee for more depth and boldness.

Slow-cooked ribs are wonderful at the center of the plate, but the leftover trimmings can be transformed into even more dishes, making ribs a perfect choice for the chef who wants to use every last piece.

1 Mike Sula, for Food Fanatics Magazine. US Foods. Get Shorty: Beef Short Ribs are Long on Possibilities.

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