Dining Restrictions in Your Menu

Overhead shot of a variety of ingredients, including quinoa, grains, walnuts, broccoli, eggs, apples blueberries and more

Now more than ever, we are seeing customers with a range of dietary restrictions, and no one wants to be left out of a tasty meal, or worse, stuck eating a dull salad without dressing. Navigating dietary restrictions is a way to help create a more inclusive menu, so your operation isn’t left out of any group dinner decision. Read along as we break down the most common dietary restrictions and how your operation and staff can adapt.


To put it simply, eating gluten-free means avoiding any foods that contain gluten, which is a protein found in wheat and several other grains. There are many delicious gluten-free alternatives out there for all types of breads, pastas, etc., that would make great substitution options for your menu. However, if you really want to commit to being gluten-free, you might want to consider getting a separate fryer or stove top that you reserve for gluten-free options. For people who have a severe gluten intolerance, cross-contamination can be a harmful issue. 

Vegan vs. Vegetarian

Often confused but actually pretty different, veganism and vegetarianism are both rising diet choices across the country. While some patrons may be stricter than others, a good rule of thumb to remember is that vegetarians do not ingest any meats, but items like milk and cheeses are often okay. Vegans do not consume any items that come from animal sources, so they do not consume milk or cheese. Try adding some plant-based alternatives to your menu; items like oat milk or black bean burgers are substitutes. 

Kosher and Halal

Kosher describes any food that complies with a strict set of dietary rules in Judaism, while Halal is a dietary law derived from Islam. Both are dietary restrictions or rules guided by religion and can often be tricky to navigate if you are unfamiliar with the practices. Tricky, but not impossible. For assistance in understanding the rules set in place for both of these practices, we recommend reaching out to your local synagogue for Kosher guidance and mosque for Halal help. 

Halal and Kosher symbols

Food Allergies

Allergic reactions to different types of foods can vary in severity from guest to guest, so it is important that you train your staff on every facet of each dish. From the front-of-house staff to the kitchen, making sure everyone knows what ingredients touch each dish can be crucial and possibly life-saving for those with severe allergies. 

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